温控器系列 >> thermal reed switchthermal reed switch-常州吉恒电器有限公司
MT series thermostat is composing from using ferromagnetic flexible magnetismthermostat material and forcibly
magnetism material and reed pipe.It is made-up the new type temperature transducer by which the reed pipe mesne
fluxes produce a world of change using what the ferrite soft magnet material lose magnetism in the vicinity of
the courier temperature hereby pass reed pipe ducting or close.It has virtue:act temperature nicety,renew act
difference in temperature little,speed rapidness,life length and defend burst etc.Thereby,it abroad use for
temperature control and exceed temperature protect in electric rice cookers,electric water heater,electric shower
bath ware,refrigerator and air-condition etc product.
You may select at whill act temperature(_-40℃~130℃)
precision of act temperature ±1℃、±2℃、±2.5℃
Item sort Specification Determine term
Act temperature ON or OFF □□±□℃ Rise or fall temperature speed under 0.5℃/min
DIFF Between 1to9℃
Reed pipe contact The most pressure   254V.AC Reed pipe process determine by oneself
The most electric current   0.7A.AC~1.2A
The most content   70W.AC
Contact resistance   150MΩ herein after   Between outgoing line determine by milliohm.     
Insulated resistance  100MΩherein before DC500A.between lead to metal crust
Be able to bear
or endure pressure  
2000V.ac,5mA/min Be able to bear or endure pressure between
lead to metal crust,determine by the appatatus
of be able to bear or endure pressure 
Be able ot bear
or endure pull
Exceed 10N Between lead to main

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